Out of this World – Space Travel

With all eyes on billionaires Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos’ recent space race, it turns out the rest of us won’t be far behind them, with women like Jane Poynter, Founder, Co-CEO & Chief Experience Officer of Space Perspective Inc. preparing to transport us quite literally, out of this world.

Spearheading a new era in luxury travel experiences, Space Perspective offers a radically gentle voyage to the edge of space that’s as easy as jumping on an aeroplane. Boarding Spaceship Neptune, voyagers will experience six hours of breathtaking and transformative views of planet Earth propelled by a zero emission spaceballoon the size of a football stadium!

Listen back as we were joined by Jane, who co-founded Space Perspective following a series of successful enterprises in aerospace and developing pioneering technologies, now used on all American commercial human spacecrafts, with plans to transport us to the moon in the not so distant future. Moderated by editor of NetJets magazine and an award-winning, leading authority on all things luxury, Farhad Heydari.



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